A describe similar images

A of the different types of content to include on your site Your productsservices your contact details your benefits Dont think in terms of organization right away. Simply list the information you want to convey. Be as exhaustive as possible and provide as much detail as possible . Think about what you if you were a customer would like to find on your website.

This first work of inventorying

The pages of the site will allow you to begin to  Armenia Phone Number List glimpse the hierarchy of the site and to understand the existing links between the pages and the categories. For example you could create an . Excel table and List all the subjects and content likely to interest your future . Visitors and possibly assign them a category andor type product page blog article etc.

Armenia Phone Number List

Add important information

And KPIs for SEO title description number of searches per month Group all this content by filtering your content by category and subcategories Finally keep in mind that a  France phone number list page a key expression revealing search intent . Plan organize prioritize information Now that you have a detailed list of your sites content you can move on to creating the tree structure. Be logical and simple . Create a map of your site with these keywords in mind . If you sell several types of products separate them into several categories.


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