A paradoxical situation The main obstacles

A a handwritten card. Emails and social networks like Facebook or Twitter are excellent tools for building a relationship with your customers. When thanking customers whether personally by email or in any other way . Try to place a reference to related products or services that you offer. Remind them that they can count on your availability and responsiveness.

From this moment on make

Sure you make yourself heard at least once a month by your  Colombia Phone Number List customers. Send them something informative and useful whether its a link to an interesting article on another site or content you created yourself on your blog . Make sure its useful to your customers otherwise youll lose credibility and waste your time and theirs. media Dont limit yourself to just one channel. Use email and social media.

Colombia Phone Number List

Newsletters are read by less

Than of their recipients and most of them are your most loyal customers even if you have only done business with them once. Facebook posts are seen by a small percentage of your fans but . Facebooks sharing features allow you to reach a wider audience beyond your existing customers. Offer your customers something  UK phone number list that is interesting for them to share with their network create added value for your customers. They will not fail to advise you and will thus allow you to conquer other market shares.


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