The goal is not to get lost and to focus

It model to download Website mockup. Writing specifications abbreviated CDC or CCTP is an essential step when designing or redesigning a professional website . must bring together your expectations and needs in terms of aesthetics or functionality. It will serve as your link with the agency in charge of developing your website. Below you will find practical advice to help you create complete and effective specifications. Ready to use download our free web CDC template.

Why develop specifications

for your Awebsite never exactly the same. However Australia Phone Number List there are a few invariables Your contact details presentation of your company products services etc. The type of website is it a showcase site an ecommerce site Does he already have a domain name Accommodation Is your site multilingual Your target audience persona. A list bringing together the content exhaustive list of pages and sections and elements text images videos etc. that you wish to include Your graphic charter logo visual identity etc.

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value by prioritizing the most important features. Conduct a survey of your targets and prioritize the elements to be implemented in order of importance. on what is really useful. . Select and establish key success factors. KPIs Performance measurement criteria or KPIs Create a list of achievable and concrete SMART goals . You will then deduce key indicators allowing you to measure the Canadian phone number list performance of the project or identify areas for improvement. Here are some examples of. KPIs for website creation or redesign. Reach unique visitors per day in one month. Obtain at least of visitors from a mobile source smartphone tablet. Get page loading speeds in less nternet users will be able thanks to a clear and organized structure to easily find .


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