SEO Architecture structure of the site Optimization

A and their search intent. Lets return to our previous example. Your personas are men wanting to buy clothes for themselves. They need advice especially on matching outfits. women wanting to buy clothes for themselves. They are sensitive to current trends. women and men looking for a gift idea for their spouse or Aa friend. arry out several tests according to several user profiles in order to meet as many needs as possible. To help you review your personas. By taking into account different criteria such as Profile age gender experience with the internet etc.

The acquisition channel

how does the user arrive on your website In what Kuwait Phone Number List way How did he learn about your site advertising Google search etc. The objective What is the user looking for on your site Does he need a particular product It is widely used in all types of businesses from startups to large groups including selfemployed and allows you to accurately measure the state of your SEO to find out more about the profile of Internet users who browse your website. Understanding the behavior of these Internet users will give you indications on how to improve your website to meet their needs.

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This will help you get ahead

of your competitors whatever your business. Independent artisan local business VSESME or startup Find out how to Ainstall and use. Google Analytics How to install and configure Google Analytics on your website How can Google Analytics be A version which should eventually replace Universal Analytics. Chile phone number list ITS SIMPLE AT IPAOO just copypaste the UAXXXXXXX type tracking number into a field in the site settings. To find out what the differences are with Google Universal Analytics and how to install it watch the following. Video it is the most complete on the subject. Many tutorials exist on the internet on this subject for each CMS WordPress Drupal PrestaShop Wix or other. You can also ask a web developer.


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