The information to be included is therefore

AHowever a legitimate question arises is it necessary to word the two differently Its not an obligation. You can therefore write the same title and h tag. This will also provide consistency and reassurance to readers. In fact they want to land on a page that corresponds to their request. By writing the h tag and the title tag in the same way you reassure Internet users of their expectations.

Search engines also accept

this consistency you will therefore not  Benin Phone Number List be penalized for using the same text twice. You can also distinguish the content of the title tag and h. Several reasons can justify this choice. First of all the title tag must be written with a very limited number of characters. The h tag can then be different and complement the title tag bythe readers attention.

Benin Phone Number List

Additionally by introducing

small differences you can further optimize your article. In any case if you opt for different texts you must rely on a certain redundancy. You cannot write a title tag that is completely different from the h tag. By clicking on a page readers need to find a title that confirms the previously announced subject. Search engines will also penalize you if they do not find consistency between the two tags. How to write the title tag and h tag For the title tag you can focus on simple keywords.


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