This is why they must be easily accessible

Astructure helps us a lot in understanding the environment of individual pages on a site. In particular if we know that this category is associated with these other subcategories we have a clear connection between these parts. And that definitely helps us understand how these things are connected how they work together a little better.

Whereas if its very horizontal

we think all of these things are as important  Argentina Phone Number List as each other. others and we dont really know which ones are related to each other. So from my perspective I think for a lot of sites it makes sense to have a pyramid structure. But at the same time you dont have to  times to get to the actual content. You have to have… I dont know a reasonable number of clicks to get to the content.

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John Mueller Search Engine Journal

Another important point to consider in the structure of your website the internal linking . A large number of internal links connecting your pages to each other will improve the fluidity  Finland phone number list of navigation. You will be able to observe the behavior of your users and in particular the pages of your website that they visit using tools like Google Analytics. Please note this mesh must appear logical and relevant to be valued by Google. Thus linking together pages relating to . The same theme will prove useful for the Internet user and in fact logical and appreciated by Google.


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